Swim Schedule


St’s already August, and that means swimming will resume on Monday, August 16th for Jr’s & Sr’s.
I will not be on deck coaching in August as I will be attending the Inaugural Youth Olympic Games in Singapore.  However, I have made arrangements with other club coaches to supervise practice for Jr’s & Sr’s in my absence.
The schedule for August 16th – August 28th is as follows: (Aug. 26 – 28 = Summer Splash 2010)
JR’s SCHEDULE (4 Total practices):
Monday August 16th & 23rd   4:00 pm – 5:15 pm                   à w/ Coach Karen & Coach Vannessa
Wednesday August 18th & 25th 4:00 pm – 5:15 pm              à w/ Coach Karen & Coach Vannessa
Juniors can also choose to swim on their own (providing there is supervision) on any other day at the pool or beach in August.
SR’s SCHEDULE (7 Total Practices):
Monday Aug. 16th & 23rd 5:30 – 6:30 PM                 à w/Coach David
Tuesday Aug. 17th & 24th 5:30 – 6:30 PM                 à (Swimmers follow workout provided by Coach Jamie)
Wednesday Aug. 18th & 25th  5:30 – 6:30 PM         à w/ Coach David
Thursday Aug. 19th           5:30 – 6:30 PM                   à (Swimmers follow workout provided by Coach Jamie)

If you plan on being at practice, please respond to this email, informing The SHARKS coaches & executive that you will be back in August. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that your silence indicates that you will be returning in September, (NO PRACTICE on Monday August 30th).
*(Tuesdasy, August 31st will be the first day of September Practices for Jr’s & Sr’s).
On Thursday, August 26th, Friday 27th 7 Saturday 28th, the RHAC will host Summer Splash 2010.
In my absence, the Sr. swimmers (& Coach Tom if he is available), will be overseeing all matter at this meet. Because of this, I have decided to presently enter very few Jr.’s, as they have attended practice within the last month and have continued to stay fit over the summer.
Please visit the SLASA website, to view the meet summons (www.slasa.info). Simply scroll down the home page, click on Summer Splash, and click on The Summons tab on the top right of the page.
Here is the schedule of the meet:
Thursday Morning, August 26, 2010         Session 1: (No Jr’s)          Warm-up 8:30 AM – 9:15 AM
Female 800M Free & Male 1500 FR ONLY                                             Start 9:30 AM

Thursday Evening, August 26, 2010          Session 2:                            Warm-Up 4:00 PM – 5:15 PM
Start 5:30 PM
Friday Morning, August 27, 2010               Session 3:                            Warm-Up 7:30 AM – 8:45 AM
Start 9:00 AM
Saturday Morning, August 28, 2010         Session 4:                            Warm-Up 7:30 AM – 8:45 AM
                                                                                                                                Start  9:00 AM
Closing Awards Ceremony 30 min following finish

If you plan on swimming at Summer Splash, please respond to this email, informing The SHARKS coaches that you will like to swim. If we do not hear from you, we will assume that your silence indicates that YOU WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING in the swimmeet.

I look forward to rejoining the club in September (Aug. 31st) & for all those who choose to come back to swim in August and participate in Summer Splash, HAVE FUN & SWIM SMART!