Monday, October 3, 2011

Hi Again

Hi All:

As most of you already know, Sea Jays will host the National Short Course Championships this weekend Friday October 7th - Sunday October 9th. 

Session 1: Friday 7th = Opening Ceremony at 5:30 p.m. / Meet begins at 6  p.m.
(Only 3 events on Friday: 1) 400 Free (9 & up) / 2) 100 Free (8 & under) / 3) 25 Free (Masters)

Session 2: Saturday 8th = Meet begins at 9 a.m. (7:30 a.m. Warm up)

Session 3: Sunday 9th = Meet begins at 10 a.m. (8:30 a.m. Warm up)

I have asked most SHARKS swimmers in the Jr. & Sr. Groups if they are planning to attend and I have received a response from most, however I need confirmation by no later than tomorrow evening, whether you or your swimmers will be available to participate.

I would like to remind all parents and swimmers that this swimmeet will determine the selection of the St. Lucia OECS Team, that will be hosted in Saint Lucia from November 4th - 6th.

Please respond as soon as possible as entries are due by tomorrow evening, NO LATE ENTRIES will be accepted.

Coach Jamie

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