Monday, January 30, 2012

Sharks Pride

-Shark Pride: How Sharks did at the SLASA Awards on Saturday night...
-Swimming Tip... Eating before Practice
-February Fees due by WEDNESDAY...
- Upcoming Swim Meets...
-Sunday, February 12th Piton Open Water Swim Meet in Soufriere....
-Sunday, February 26th Go the Distance Swim Meet... 
-Thursday, March 6th Barbados Long Course National Swim meet...
-Sunday March 18t As Fast As You Can Swim Meet...

Shark Pride: How our kids did at the SLASA Awards on Saturday night...
In our coaches meeting on Saturday, Coach Jamie reminded us of our goals as a club.  Several of those goals include teaching kids to swim fast, building character through sports, and providing the best run swim club in St. Lucia.  Saturday night was the annual St Lucia Amateur Swimming Association Award night.  Awards are not our goal.  But when given out, they can be a good measure of if we are accomplishing our goals.  We competed well internationally, regional and locally.  Although there are those who are critical of our teaching style, the fact that we won half of the stroke awards shows that it is working.  And most importantly, we have children in our club who are conscientious and courteous.   We have a lot to be proud of in our club. Some of the accomplishments from the last year of swimming include...

-Coach Jamie received the COACH OF THE YEAR Award!  
-Over one third of the swimmers on the National team were SHARKS swimmers
-7 out of 8 of the St Lucian swimmers competing regionally at the CARIFTA swim meet were SHARK swimmers including the only medal winner from St Lucia - Siona Huxley.
-Of the 10 individual stroke awards, five were SHARK swimmers and 5 were from the other 5 clubs.
-Of the age group awards, five were SHARK swimmers and 7 were from the other five clubs.
-Jordan Augier received the Male Swimmer of the Year
-Siona Huxley received the Female Swimmer of the Year
-Runako Daniel received the Junior Male Swimmer of the Year

Congratulations to everyone who worked hard this year.  And good job coaching.  Why not show your thanks to your coach this year by giving them a thank you next time you see them. 

-Swimming Tip... Eating before practice.Everyone is hungry after school.  Parents... please be conscious of what your child is eating before swim practice!  Cheesy snacks and heavy bread is not a good idea just before going in the water.  The sugar found in soft drinks and fruit juices gives them a quick burst of energy, but they pay for it later.  Stick to fruits and vegetables.  pack it the night before if you have to.  Water is the best source of liquid.  Be smart!  And if the canteen is only selling junk, put the pressure on to get something good for the kids. 
-Upcoming Swim meets...
-Sunday, February 12th Piton Open Water Swim Meet in Soufriere....
-Sunday, February 26th Go the Distance Swim Meet...
-Thursday, March 6th Barbados Long Course National Swim meet...
-Sunday March 18t As Fast As You Can Swim Meet...

-February Fees due by WEDNESDAY...
IF YOU ARE NOT SWIMMING WITH US, YOU NEED TO LET US KNOW! We can't plan on how many lanes to rent if we don't know who is swimming in the upcoming month.  Thank you to those parents who write and call to let us know if their child will miss a class or a month. 

Thank you to everyone who has paid their January dues.  If you have not paid for January, YOU ARE LATE.  Pay or face the consequences. February fees are due Wednesday.  Jamie can't invite someone special to the movies if he doesn't have money.  he doesn't get money if John Bruce (our president) doesn't write him a check.  John Bruce can't write him a check if there is no money in our account.  There will be no money in our account if parents don't pay on time. For the sake of Jamie's social life, please pay on time. 

New Pricing as of Feb 1st.  Due before Feb 1st.

Beginner Competitive (Coach Tom) once a week $100.00 a month
Beginner Competitive (Coach Tom) twice a week $200.00 a month

Junior and Senior (Coach Jamie) once a week $140.00.
Junior and Senior(Coach Jamie) twice a week$ 260.00
Junior and Senior(Coach Jamie) three times a week $300.00
Junior and Senior(Coach Jamie) four times a week $340.00
Junior and Senior(Coach Jamie) five times a week $380.00

Single day Beginner training fee $25.00
Single day Junior training fee $35.00
Single day Senior training fee $45.00

Thanks everyone...

Coach Tom

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

SLASA Awards Ceremony

To be held at the IXORA Room, Bay Gardens Inn at 6:00 pm
Come one come all.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Start up Swim Meet this Weekend Sunday Jan 22nd at 12:00 PM

Hello all,

we have a great opportunity to put our swimmers into competition this weekend. It is a development meet for 12 year old and unders.  There will be time trials (official times so that the children can compete regionally) for swimmers selected by our coaches based on meeting time trial standard times.

Warm up is at 12:00 PM.  Swimming starts at 1:00 PM.  Swimmers are allowed to enter up to 3 events max, including relays. Entries are due NO LATER THAN TOMORROW THURSDAY JANUARY 19th. 

$15 per swimmer to enter.

The events are as follows:

All 25's and 50's of each stroke -freestyle, breast stroke, back stroke and butterfly. 
25 Kickboard
100 IM
4x50 free relay.

This is a great opportunity to join in a competitive swim - especially for Coach Tom's class.  Please let us know by tomorrow if you are interested.  I will not be able to be at the whole team, but Coach Jamie, Coach Clarie, Coach Bailey, Coach Zoe, Coach Laura and Coach Evelyn will be there to help out. 

Go Sharks!  

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Active kids get best marks

Read this link, confirms what we already know.
Happy new year