Tuesday, November 23, 2010


The SHARKS Swim Club invites the general public to support the 2010 SWIMATHON in aid of VICTIMS OF HURRICANE TOMAS, to be held on Saturday 4th December at the Rodney Heights Aquatics Center.

Last year the Swimmers raised over $8,000 in aid of Dainelle Gaston, a 15 year old boy needing heart surgery. The swimmers so enjoyed the opportunity to swim for charity that this year initially decided to swim for children with cancer.

Unfortunately, the passage of Hurricane Tomas brought a lot of devastation to Saint Lucia and now the Swimmers are committed to raising funds for the victims of Tomas, by participating in the Swimathon to be held in two weeks time.

Members of the public are asked to pledge $1 for every 25m lap of the pool that is swam by the participant in the Swimathon. Schools are encouraged get their students to get involved. Cheques may be made payable to the “SHARKS Swim Club – for victims of Tomas”

Business Houses are also encouraged to participate by pledging $10 for every lap swam by their employee in the Swimathon.

For further information, please contact any Club swimmer or visit the SHARKS Swim Club website at www.sharkswimclub.info or telephone Secretary Tom Speigelberg on 287 7260.


John Bruce


Just for fun

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Sharks Swimathon

The Swimathon will now be held on the 4th December 2010
in the aid of victims of Hurricane Tomas

OECS Swimming Championships

The OECS Championships New Dates agreed

14th - 16th january 2011

For this event there will be no Aging up for swimmers.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Swimathon Delayed

The Swimathon has had to be delayed, there will be a new date soon

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Warning from NEMO

People are scamming, pretending to be NEMO and CID asking people to evacuate their houses and they take that opportunity to rob the people's homes and vehicles! 

The only place that people were asked to evacuate was Fond St. Jacques.

Please spread the word!!! 

This is happening in Bexon and other areas!! Keep an eye out!


Pool Reopening

Hello all,

Dr Worrell has informed us that the pool will be open.  She has plenty of rainwater and chlorine for swimming!

We will plan a regular schedule next week.

Also, here is a note from Dr. Day about treating your rainwater.

"Its important to all strain rain water.  Use a double layer of tight woven cotton to strain the water.  Bacteria clings and hides in particulates
so u need to remove the particulates for  the chlorination to be effective."

God bless,

Coach Tom

Friday, November 5, 2010

OECS Swimming Championships Postponed

It is with great regret that SLASA has had to make the decision to postpone the OECS Swimming Championships due to the passage of Hurricane Tomas and the ensuing water shortage. No new date has been given so far.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Safe Drinking Water

Follow these guidelines to make water safe to drink

Pool Training

Hello all,

as the water situation is still critical, Diane Worrel has told us that the pool will not be open the remainder of this week.  WE will let you know on a week to week basis.  The next update should be on Sunday.

Senior swimmers will continue training with Jamie as announced.  I will send out the plan for today once Jamie has checked out the beach swimming. 

God bless,

Coach Tom

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Donations for Soufriere 2

Hi everyone,
Hoping that you and your families are safe and well. 
As we know there are many less fortunate people struggling due to the damage caused by the hurricane that are in desperate need of assistance.
They need:
Kevala studio at the Harmony Suites will be recieving donations in the mornings and late afternoons and all donations will be sent on to NEMO for distribution
So please when you are coming to class, don't come empty handed.
For further infomation and details on how you can further assist in this crisis please call Jill on 461 1294
Thank you and Namaste

Donations for Soufriere

Hello all,

Two opportunities to help out down south. 

Earlier today I sent out a note that Tropical Villas was accepting donations.  They are located right at the entrance of Cap Estate on the right hand side.  Karen Douboulay-Hunt or Faye Joseph are collecting.  You can talk to the receptionist inside.  I believe they close at 4:30 PM.  Thanks Jasmin Charles for the note.

Also Coach Jamie sent me this one.

Please bring donations of food, water, clothing and other basic essentials to the Rodney Bay Marina tomorrow morning (Tuesday) from 8 am. The vigie dock in front of auberge seraphine is also accepting all donations from now. These donations will be transported to the southern parts of the island by boat. Contact 287 6244 for further information

God bless,

Coach Tom